Facts that make CCC a smart choice ...
1) Engineering excellence is top priority. The team has thorough engineering training and experience.
2) All involved are passionate about knives and will do whatever it takes to make the best knives possible. We make a few knives a year and will never focus on volume. Speed and volume are not priorities for us.
3) Heat Treatment is taken very serious. Read more here. All blades are hardened BEFORE grinding. This is very important to us.
4) We care far more about making the customer a knife for life and legacy than for temporary joy and bragging rights. Our knives will remain beautiful and fully functional for generations. The focus is not on adhering to trends that come and go.
5) All blades are free-hand ground by Clyde.
6) Only the best materials are used. We import only the best even when it costs us a lot more to do so.
7) We maintain the highest manufacturing tolerances possible using the latest and best systems and techniques.
8) The best machines and tools are used.
9) All framelock knives are fitted with hardened steel lock insert and over-travel stop. Only ceramic bearings are used.
10) All fitting and finishing done by Clyde by hand. Every knife is custom assembled and tuned to perfection. Every component is made to fit exactly right. You are paying for perfection.
11) We care about our clients and endeavor to keep communication channels open and easy to use. We are easy to reach on Instagram and Whatsapp. Most of our clients have become friends.
12) We are not in this for the money. All involved do this part-time. No compromises and shortcuts need to be taken to make a profit and a living from doing this. All money earned is invested in improving what we do.
13) Few in this business trumps the team's energy, technical and design skills, passion and dedication.
14) Lifetime warranty.
15) We do have a few Aces up our sleeves. There are things we do differently that we keep to ourselves.